Sunday, October 05, 2008

Some More Thoughts

1. My interest in crochet has been given a new lease of life. I realise that the crochet-ed tablecloth that was given to me is not quite the crochet-ed tablecloth of my dreams and before The Husband gets heart palpitations from my desire to get a new tablecloth, I might as well learn how to crochet, yes?

2. My house is still not Raya Ready despite this being the 5th day of Hari Raya. Hur hur hur. Well, to begin with, we were not in much of a celebratory mode considering that the patriarch of the family fell ill. The matriarch of the family made frequent trips to the hospital, leaving me to take care of the not-so-young younger siblings. And somehow, that pretty much dampened our intentions to spruce the house up (excuses, excuses - well, we weren't home most of the time, if that justifies our laziness..). I had plans before then, like getting some professional cleaners to do something to our once-upon-a-time off-white leather sofa (which is presently a cross between grey and brown), like cleaning the window grilles and getting rid of the mountains of lizards' poo on the window sills, like scrubbing the floor clean, like clearing out our bedroom-turned-storeroom and turning it into Huda's room, like like like...

BUT, my noble intentions remain as intentions. They have yet to be carried out (except for the kitchen window grille). When will the house ever be Raya Ready? (By Deepavali, I hope..)

3. Alhamdulillah, after everything that has happened, the patriarch of the family was discharged yesterday and is resting at home now. Thank you, all, for the prayers and kind words. Please, if you do have the time, make a do'a for his good health. Amin. Thank you.

4. Huda is interested in a doll now. This is the first doll that has held her interest for more than 28 seconds. She took it from her cousin's toy box on Friday and as of today, her interest in the doll is still strong. How strong? The doll goes everywhere with her. The Husband is most glad because he has always been concerned about Huda's lack of interest in girl-y things.

5. I am itching to get stuff (clothes, actually) for #2. But, the gender is not known yet and I have to resist the urge til 13th October when all will be revealed.



Azlifah Afizukil said...

Ouhh....once gender for #2 dah known...bleh kita shopping sesama lah!!! K, nnt biler aku adekan spree utk kita2 aku naikkan bendera merah k....harap2 dari kampung kau kat sembawang tu kau nampak lah eh...else aku sms kau lah eh.

nur azean said...

okay we shall wait for the 13th when everything will be out. good thing u didnt get the intelligender :)

Liza Ali said...

Azlifah ajak shopping sama2 tu....dia pun dah ke???

Ana mn said... that's the doll. Seram jugak muka doll tu eh. Eh, Azlifah dah pregnant ke?

nur azean said...

Tulah nampak di sekolah mcm pucat aje si azlifah maybe yelah tu

nad makhuda said...

az, liza, azean - hah kau! tiba2 kuat betul story2 yang mengatakan si azlifah ni dah pregnant. betul ke? sungguh exciting ni.

azean - memang lah nasib baik aku tak beli intelligender tu. sep duwet sket.

rohana - dalam gambar memang buruk betul muka anak patung dia tu. in real life, molek sikit lah muka si dektu. anyway, anak aku dah tak heran bende tu dah sekarang. this is after we bought the same thing for her so that we could return the original doll to her cousin. cekik darah punya budak.

Azlifah Afizukil said...

OMG!! I hereby declare I am NOT pregnant ok. *lol* You ladies are soo cute lah :o) I didnt know abt this series of comments till Azean came to me the other day and asked me if I was pregnant? I was dumbfounded...hahaha!

Ajak shopping je lah! I may have one daughter tapi her wadrobe dah overflowing like mine!
Come on! There's juz A LOT to buy for girls!

I tunggu lagi 3 tahun lah...insyaallah will share good news wif u all ok....:o)

Azlifah Afizukil said...

Haisss Azean.....setep ajer dalam gate tempat kite nie...apanya tak pucat je.....*lol*

tea tea said...

huda macam hazim jugak... org lain nya barang dia nak bersungguh2...tapi bila dah belikan the exact same thing, dia buat bodo jer!! chet!!

btw the gender macam girl jer...cos' kalau boy seblum week 20, week 16 gitu jer dah 80% confirm...heheh!

n ditto.rumah aku pun masih tak raya-ready. aku pakai excuse errm..ader budak!