Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Wag You

I should be so grateful that Singapore's halal food scene is nowhere near Malaysia's. I would otherwise be:

a) fat; and

b) broke.


Sigh. I'm still thinking of what I had in KL last month.

I must stop this obsession with food.


izadnhana Ismail said...

go eat go eat go eat..
(then make no. 2~)

Ana mn said...

Eat while you still can. eat while you're still healthy. You need some weight on you la to look voluptious! woo hoo:)

nad makhuda said...

hmmm... how come my email reply doesnt appear here, huh?


hana, there's nothing wrong with food. of course.

but it's me. i'm *still* reliving the moments when the wagyu beef just melted in my mouth. ahhhh... heaven...

i'm obsessed. i need help.

rohana, i should have shown you my tummy the other day. then you can see how, uh, curvy i am now. ;)

tea tea said...

this was the one u were telling us the other day?!? sungguh droolicious la!!!

nad makhuda said...

ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yesssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! when i ordered it, i thought, this would only be a once-a-year indulgence. but i cant stop thinking about it la. i must go back for it. *wipes drool*