Saturday, February 17, 2007

Weight Watchers

Second entry for the night! I *must* be too free.

I have always been very obsessed about Huda's weight. Whenever I see a baby around Huda's age, I'll ask the mother what the baby's weight is and then I'll set targets for Huda. "See Huda, Sheralynn is 8kg. Can you eat more?"

And Kailing will chide me.

I really need that regular chiding from Kailing, I think. My obsession is ridiculous. And, most importantly, I should stop comparing Huda with all other babies.

I should be grateful that she's healthy. Actually, I am but sometimes I forget. (That's why I need to be reminded constantly.)

Many premature babies have an assortment of health problems. But Huda is generally healthy.

And for that, I should be grateful. So I shall stop comparing her weight with other babies. (But I still need to be reminded.)


Kai Ling Lim said...

Nad, If I use this analogy, it might be too extreme, but......(the below is fictatious)

Imagine how I might feel if my boyfriend turns to Man and asks: how heavy is your wife? What? only 42kg?

Then, turns to me and say: Look, kailing, nad is only 42kg, you should eat less.....

I'll probably give him a deadly stare, the kind that sends our noisy class to pin-drop silence.

Which Huda can't do cos she can't speak yet!!!!

nad makhuda said...

Hahaaa! That'll never happen because I'm not ever going back to 42kg. Have you not seen my rapidly expanding butt????!!!

It's a bad habit which I absolutely must break. That's why you're gonna nag me night and day if I were to ever ask another mother how heavy her kid is or how much the child is eating.

izadnhana Ismail said...

well, you can stop worrying once huda has given birth, hits 30, and her butt expands rapidly... teehehee!

Ana mn said...

I think it's just natural for mothers to compare weight, milestones, toys, blah, blah...Sometimes I ask why ah? Especially Kiasu mothers who are afraid that their kids might lose out on certain things. Scary leh.
You know, i watched this documentary once. The doc said that a baby born 2 months premature and, let's say, is 6 months now, should be regarded as 4 months in terms of milestone and those baby charts. This is to avoid disappointment. So you see. relax la Nad.. Btw, how many months is Huda now?

nad makhuda said...

gaaah! my reply disappeared!!

rohana, yup. it's called the corrected age. her corrected age is 9.5 months. real age 11 months. but even at the corrected age, she's below the 3rd percentile for weight so i get a bit worried lah. we're seeing a dietitian cos at one point she didn't gain any weight but it didnt help cos she didnt like eating.

in any case, i should be glad that she has a clean bill of health and the frequent check-ups she has with her neonatologist ensures that any problems will be addressed asap.

nad makhuda said...

she's giving birth at 30? you forgot that her protective dad says, no talking to boys til she's 40.

izadnhana Ismail said...

welll, thats where you, the mother, come in to lower down the age limit by 10 years lorrr. :pp

tea tea said...

most imptly, huda's healthy!! We were premature babies ourselves, and look we are healthy! (altho' a large part of my life, i was never able to kick the grossly underweight part. :S) Hopefully huda will catch up on her weight yar!!

nad makhuda said...

yati, yup. you may be underweight but, look at you during PE lessons!! (and then, look at me and my regular lies to our PE teachers.. hahahaaa!)

anyway, yeah, she's healthy. alhamdulillah! so unless she's waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy below the 3rd percentile and is only skin and bones, i wont worry too much. (the operative word here is 'too much' cos i'll still worry a bit lah. cant help it. but i wont do any comparing with other babies.)