2. Food
Farah is at a food-refusal stage. She had a terrible bout of stomach flu and barely ate anything during the episode. All she had was breastmilk and Pediasure. Prior to that, she was on a soft-food diet. That was by choice. For whatever strange reasons, she started rejecting rice and wanted to eat porridge. So, for a couple of weeks, I cooked porridge for her.
Now, she doesn't want any food at all unless we are talking keropok and chocolate. I've resorted to force-feeding and will be satisfied if I manage to stuff 4 spoonfuls of rice into her mouth.
Some mothers tell me that I shouldn't force-feed. The kids will eat when they are hungry. But no, sorry. I must force-feed because if I don't, she'll open the kitchen cabinet doors and help herself to my secret junk food collection (which must now find a new home because it's no longer a secret). And in case you are wondering why she can open the kitchen cabinet doors, that's because she has learnt to work the child-lock that we installed. Grrrrrr. Besides, I have skinny kids. They are underweight (I'm talking 3rd percentile here, not even 25th percentile) and when they fall ill, the weight just slides off so quickly, leaving them with only skin and bones. So, once they are better, I'll try my very best (ie, force-feed, at times) to make them gain back the weight they've lost.
Huda, however, has long outgrown her picky-eater stage. She now eats very well and always insists on vegetables to go with her rice. Yay! (She's still skinny, though. But at least, she's a skinny girl who eats well.)
(From left to right, their age in 2011: 8, 2, 5, 5, 10, 3)
3. Sleep
Huda now prefers to wake up later in the morning. In the past, she would wake up outrageously early but she has now passed that baton to Farah. Farah wakes up very early, poos immediately after she wakes up and has a shower.
Bored to tears because her sidekick is still asleep, she'll join her sister back in bed. But, not to sleep. To disturb, to annoy and to wake her sister up.
4. Speech
i. I don't worry about Farah's speech development the way I used to with Huda. She's doing just fine, talking and talking and talking non-stop and she makes sense most of the times. She can string a sentence involving up to 5 words.
ii. She has one annoying quirk, though.
She sees a picture in the newspaper and asks, "Mak, apa ni, Mak?" (Mak, what's this, Mak?)
"Ini gambar banjir kat Australia." (This is a picture of a flooded area in Australia.)
"Banjir." (Flood)
A thousand of the exact same exchange later, I'll be exasperated and I'll ask her, "Farah, ni apa." (Farah, what's this?)
Nonchalantly, she'll reply, "Jir."
iii. She tends to only say the last syllable of every word. I told her to say "Tumpang lalu" (excuse me) when she needs to squeeze her way through people. What comes out of her mouth is "Pah lu." But, the gangster way she says "Pah lu", I might as well have taught her to say "Siam! Siam!"
iv. Oh, there's another quirk of this girl. She has successfully copied my "You, ah." If you are not a Singlish speaker, there is no way I can explain how "You, ah" is used. But I shall try anyway: you must say it in a nasal way and it is used to affectionately reproach someone.
Now, this Farah is using "You, ah" for anybody and in any situation. She wakes up at 2am in the morning, cries for milk. I asked her to ask her father to make her milk. The father goes to the kitchen to heat up water. She follows. And suddenly she smiles and says, "You, ah!"
It doesn't make sense but at least she's not crying.
v. She no longer calls herself Nunumeh Tan. She knows that her name is Lalah.
5. Clothes
Farah is beginning to make her own choices when it comes to clothes. This is a bit problematic sometimes because she makes strange choices.
For a trip to the library, she insisted on putting on swimming cap and no pants.
Completely unrelated, this is Huda and Cousin Nabilah. They performed at their school's graduation concert.
That will be all for now. I'm gonna get ready for driving lessons with my (younger) sister. Yesterday was my first day on the road and I am just sooooooooooooooooo very slow. And I'm not very sure how I'm gonna park at carparks given that the lines showing the lots are faded. Aiyoooooooohhhhhh.. But I'm going to try and try and try til I am confident of driving alone. (And my sister would have lost her patience with me for the nth time)
so did u really allow lalah to go to the library in that do??? ehheh! i doubt so la!!
hmmmm.. i think it's a girl-thing, choosing their own clothes to wear?
miza's like ur gals too but hazim doesn't care one bit. He doesn't mind prancing ard with just his pampers too (oh oh another milestone yet to achieve, potty-trained), sometimes we have to chase after him, to dress him up!
i so relate to force-feeding the kids. i dun care, i force-feed hazim also...since he's so feather-weight also! :P
how did u make huda like vege? i think i still have a loooooooooooong way to go to make tt little boy take to vege voluntarily... sigh...
OMG. i'm so ashamed of myself. it's been almost a month and i'm only replying to this now!
(wait wait. can you see the pictures in this entry? because i cant now. where have the pictures disappeared to? huaaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!)
you're right. the choosing of clothes thing could be a girl thing. huda would be extremely upset if we're at my mom's and i forgot to bring her clothes and i just change her into anything that's available over there. if it's a T-shirt that looks like a boy's t-shirt, i'm so in trouble. once she cried for soooooo very long because she was in a grey T that once belonged to one of her male cousins. aiyooooh. but my nephews dont have such problems. even if they wear pink, they seem to be completely oblivious to it.
i wont say huda loves her veges to no ends. she knows that each time she eats rice, it will come with vege and one type of protein food - fish/chicken/meat/egg. so she has this idea that there must be some kind of vegetable on the plate when she has her meals. as for hazim, does he eat fruit? it's quite difficult getting huda to eat fruit. if hazim is eating some kind of fruit, at least, you've got something going for you there.
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