1. It's 12.13am now and I'm baking a tray of chocolate chip cookies. This is because
a. I have frozen cookie dough in the fridge from a few days ago. I was running low on the cookies and decided to bake more but after making the dough I realised that I have enough cookies to last 1 or 2 more groups of guests so I put the dough in the freezer.
b. I just bought a new circular baking tray that fits perfectly into my convectional microwave oven.
2. I have started Attempt #3 in getting my driver's license. A quick recap:
i. I failed my driving test (manual - oh what was I thinking?) in January '08.
ii. I shelved all thoughts of getting a license til May (thereabouts) last year when my sister was about to get hers. I decided to go for classes at BBDC to get my license (manual, again - my brain cells must have been fried when I gave birth to Farah). BUT, I went for all of one lesson. When I was supposed to go for the next lesson, Farah fell ill and I only stepped into BBDC again last month to cancel my account with them.
iii. And here I am, Round 3. This time round, I'm going for auto. I don't foresee myself ever having to operate a truck or any other big vehicles that function on a manual transmission. So, auto's good, yes? I'm learning from a private instructor. Not going to learn from the schools because they require you to sit through the basic and final theory lessons even if you've passed the tests. I do not have that kind of time to waste. My poor mother would have to babysit my screaming daughter and I try to minimise my imposing on her (for now). When I start working again, that's another story.
And auto - oh my goodness! - auto cars are a dream! I don't have to think about half clutches and my feet don't have to perform a dance revolving around the three pedals. I don't have to worry about the car stalling in the middle of the road if I don't get my half clutch correct. I don't have to worry about slow gear changes. I don't even have to care about changing the gear!
With an auto car, I may actually pass my driving test. Hur hur hur! Okay okay. I'm counting my chickens way before the mother chicken even lays her eggs. :P This is only the first lesson and I haven't even done parking with an auto car, without poles.
For those who got their license in the days when policemen wore shorts, now, learner drivers are expected to park without poles. During the test, there'll be no poles. I was completely dependent on the poles to park the car perfectly the last time. (Just for recap purposes also, I failed the last time because I accumulated a lot of points in the not-checking-blind-spots category and other similar categories. In other words, I'm haolianing about how great my parking with poles is and my s-curve and crank course thingamajigs are. but actually not worth haolianing also because fail is fail.) I dunno how I'll park without poles but the instructor told me it's all quite easy. 1 and half turns of the steering wheel and such and a bit of agak-agak. Errrr, sure. It took me about 7 years of failed agak-agak cooking before I can come up with something edible using the agak-agak cooking method.
3. Talking about cooking, the chocolate chip cookies turned out good!
If you noticed that half the tray is empty, errrrrrmmmmmm, I had to test the cookies (again. and again. and again again again) to make sure that they are really nice. If you are interested, I got the recipe from here. I'm not sure if the cookies can last til tomorrow morning, though. I think I have no choice but to finish everything up. After all, there's more cookie dough in the fridge.
I wanna eat chocolate chip cookies!
And yes, with auto, sure pass la...
faster faster come my house. but this batch of cookies i made has disappeared. the old batch still got.
as for driving - i sure hope so!
yar auto sure pass one!! :) at least i've not known anyone who's taken auto and didn't pass..
wahhh i want those choc chip cookies too! hmm, y didn't i eat them when we were there? hmm..i know, i was too focused on your super-delish beef steak! sedaaaaaaaaaaap sey! ure so domesticated!
saw the choc chip recipe from the source blog and fwah no need to use electric mixer is super enticing! will try..when i try.. :p
errrr... you know.. i like to set records. i'm afraid you have tempted me to fail. oh nooooooooooooooo!
just booked the test date just now. i've had a few lessons so far and i'm still not checking my blind spots enough! i'm not sure about other learner drivers but sometimes, i don't trust what i see in the mirrors. for example, if i see a car in the rearview mirror, i'll start thinking that the car will quickly try to overtake mine and i cant filter to the next lane. or if i see in the side mirrors that the road is clear, i wont trust the mirror completely because i'll start thinking that a car will appear from nowhere and i cant filter to the next lane. sigh. i think IF i ever get my license, i'll be even more particular and will have a lot more rules than mr armf.
anyway, i still havent learnt how to park without poles so til then, my confidence will not be very high. :D
as for the choc chip cookie - you can spread it over a few days. make the dough first. i feel the cookies turn out much nicer and not so flat when the dough has been frozen in the fridge overnight.
and i'm domesticated? wahahaaa! i'll only say that if i start learning flower arrangement or something.
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