Today, I went to a hypermart in JB.
Some preschool books were sold there and I decided to get some Malay books for Huda. Almost all her books are in English and if I'm serious about ensuring that she has a good command of her mother tongue, I better get some Malay books for her.
I randomly selected 2 books from the RM1.00 pile. At this juncture, I can hear everyone telling me that quality books do not come with a RM1 price tag. Yes, yes. Point noted with thanks. :p
This is one of the books I bought.
When I reached home, I flipped through the book and I saw:
Hahahahahah... okay, kalau Z untuk zamrud budak-buda susah faham. Jadi cari yg dekat di hati..! Hahaha..
aku terfikir2 kalau aku bagi anak aku buku ni. "mak, p3n1s colour apa?"/ "mak, p3n1s dia kecik sangat ah. susah nak colour." dan berbagai lagi senario yang kurang molek didengar.
tapi buku ni memang kelakar seram. aku ingat nak buang aje. but later on i decided to keep it in a safe place untuk jadi bahan ketawa.
OK per. Educational. hhahaa... or you just stick a masking tape on that Z part.
no wonder RM1 but ..yar..educational kan.. kena belajar ni sumer jugak kan, bab fiqeh kat madrasah sure blajar kan...hahaha!
i told h the proper term already 'p3n1s' tapi dia masih nak gunakan layman term.. beberd..
nani & yati - the entire book is merepek. y is for yatim. and there's an arrow pointing at a girl in tudung standing under a signboard that says 'rumah anak yatim'. T is for tendon. E is for emak and the picture shows a woman with 2 babies in her arms and 2 more in the cot! i dunno what to make of it also.
yati, i dont think dalam buu fiqeh ada gambar macam ni. wahahaa!
and pasal the proper term kan, my friend also taught her son the proper term. But everyone around them used 'bird' to describe it. every time he said 'bird', she'd correct him. one day, he saw lots of birds outside his childcare. he exclaimed to his father, "ayah, there are so many penis on the tree!" so, erm, good luck. let's hope hazim doesnt say this in front of his ustazah. hiak hiak hiak...
You made me laugh so hard. My boys used the actual term.Once I was in a lecture, and Yusuf (the 2nd one) suddenly said,"Ummi, you don't touch my ***** ". I was just hoping no one heard it.
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