Monday, April 05, 2021

5 April 2021

 Two years. 

I've been away from here for two years. Hehehe. 

What happened since? 

1. I am working again on a part-time basis. Of course the salary is part-time too but I am so very grateful and thankful that this arrangement allows me time to help the children with their work and do housework (insert crying emoji). 

2. I have started exercising, stopped, started again and the cycle goes on. I am trying to bring my weight to 50kg but I have not seen that number for very, very long. I am a very short person, so all this extra weight I'm carrying really shows. 

3. The children are in Secondary 3, Primary 6 and Primary 1. Yup. The little boy is in P1 already. 

4. The covid stay-home arrangement worked well for us. Another reason to be thankful is that we moved to a place that allows all of us to work/go to school from home in a more spacious environment. I shudder to think what it would have been like had we not moved! 

5. That will be everything for now. Will write more one day. One day. Hopefully not another 2 years. Haha. 

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