Wednesday, April 05, 2017

Stories of The Heart

My late mother-in-law told me once of how she occasionally got heart palpitations which was then followed by some bad news.

My heart has been doing some major exercises. It started a month or 2 ago. I dismissed it at first but became a bit more concerned when I felt some pain in the heart. It felt like the kind of pain you experience when you take in too much air while eating. Sitting up straight and taking deep breaths would help. But not that night. It lasted a few long minutes.

The doctor I visited ordered an ECG test and alhamdulillah, the results looked great. (Polyclinics - can get the test done on the same day) There was absolutely nothing wrong with my heart. The doctor suggested that I see a cardiologist just to be sure but I declined. Since the ECG looked good, surely there was nothing physically wrong with the heart.

The heart is now at it again. Perhaps I am developing anxiety attacks in this late, late age. But that is a better option than the palpitating heart being a harbinger of bad news.


Somewhat related (because, in the remembrance of Allah, hearts find peace), I love verses 27-30 of Surah Al Fajr:

"Wahai jiwa yang tenang! Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan hati yang redha dan diredhaiNya. Maka masuklah ke dalam golongan hamba-hambaku. Dan masuklah ke dalam syurgaKu."

May we be among those who are mentioned here. Amin.

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