Sunday, November 27, 2016

And we moved!

We did it! We moved! We really moved and started staying at our new place.

That meant we did a lot of packing. A LOT! And we have also been doing A LOT of unpacking. A LOT!

The new place is at a very, very convenient location for non-car-owners like us. 

But of course, I miss our old quiet environment. Even though we (kind of) move just across the road, it really feels like we have moved from a kampong to a city. When people talk about the bright lights of the city, they are not kidding. The sound and noise pollution here is quite apparent. 

We haven't got our blinds and curtains yet. Hopefully, once those things are up, we will be able to block off as much of the noise and light when we need to.

The end, for now. Still much to do around the flat!

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