Sunday, November 27, 2016

And we moved!

We did it! We moved! We really moved and started staying at our new place.

That meant we did a lot of packing. A LOT! And we have also been doing A LOT of unpacking. A LOT!

The new place is at a very, very convenient location for non-car-owners like us. 

But of course, I miss our old quiet environment. Even though we (kind of) move just across the road, it really feels like we have moved from a kampong to a city. When people talk about the bright lights of the city, they are not kidding. The sound and noise pollution here is quite apparent. 

We haven't got our blinds and curtains yet. Hopefully, once those things are up, we will be able to block off as much of the noise and light when we need to.

The end, for now. Still much to do around the flat!

Friday, November 18, 2016

November Updates

Very quick one because I am so tired. But if I don't do this, the next update will most probably be next March or something.

1. We moved!

Well. At least our barang2 moved.  We moved to my parents' house because our new flat is not quite ready yet. This is our second night at Mak and Abah's. Hopefully tomorrow night, we can spend it at the new place.

2. I will miss the neighbours and the sounds of nature.  Sigh.  Those are the 2 things I will really really miss.

But the thought of renovating the house using our savings is very painful.  For this new place, reno funds came from proceeds from the sale of the house.

3. The Girls made me feel proud.

They were both awarded prizes in the recent PGD. H got Best in Conduct while F won three prize - First in Class, First in English Language and First in Mathematics. You just can't help but wonder what happened to her Malay because the school gives prizes to the top 3 students in each subject.  So, that's an area to improve on.

This is something I wrote recently in response to my friend's fb post - that each child has a different Best. Some children do well academically with seemingly little effort but for some children, academic achievements may require a lot of hard work.  Then there are kids who put in a lot of hard work and their results are okay. Not outstanding, but okay.

I have 2 school-going kids with 2 different Bests. My very enlightened principal, Mr M. S.,   - the best I've had thus far - once reminded parents on the day of the PSLE results that whatever the results are, you still love your kids. Because you love them unconditionally -  a love without any conditions.

Sometimes we forget, don't we.

Whatever results my children bring home, I will not get too angry. Because (a), the results are a reflection of their hard work; and (b), they should have ideally done their Best.

And their best is not always 100%.

So, girls (and Ihsan too if you happen to read this),  work hard.  Never rest on your laurels because the tortoise can easily overtake the hare.  Hard work is painful and often not that enjoyable. But the result is sweet.

Whatever it is, I love all 3 of you very much.