Friday, May 06, 2016

Simple Soup

With the 'war' on diabetes that's happening in Singapore now, we are looking closely at what the kids are eating as we do not want them to suffer later in life.

We must get them used to eating food which is less flavoursome than the Malay food which H is so addicted to.

Today, I am making ABC soup. This is otherwise known as the anyhow-anything soup. Just throw in potatoes, carrot and onions inside a pot of boiling water. Then after 10 to 15 minutes in a rolling boil, cover it and let it simmer for an hour or so. As I am easily distracted and may forget simmering things, I'll transfer it to my rice cooker, set the timer and let the rice cooker do the work for me.

Potatoes, carrots and onions are the basic ingredients. I also add tomatoes, sweet corn, chicken (blanch it first), dried scallop (because it's in the fridge). It's a simple simple soup that is idiot-proof. You can add salt to taste when the soup is done but I don't want to do that. My children with the Malay tongue may find it difficult to have this as they will find it bland. But, soup for the Chinese is to be drunk. Hopefully the girls, especially H, will get used to this.

Edit: Sans salt, the kids refused this. With some salt and light soya sauce, it is okay for them.


Anonymous said...

Ever since hazim is diagnosed with Itp, our diet changed quite a bit. So much more greens are in everyone's diet now especially hazim's. :)

Hope khairuman is ok!

nad said...

khairuman is okay, alhamdulillah. he has embarked on a new eating plan and has lost some weight and most importantly, he feels a lot healthier. no more headaches.

for us, we want to change the kids' palate. we want them to get used to the soupy type of chinese food which can be a bit bland for people like us who are used to malay food. but a bit difficult for my #1. dia dah biasa dengan masakan melayu. soooooo... change is a bit slow.