Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Almost 21!

Ihsan is almost 21 months old.

He is taking a nap now so that explains what I'm doing here.

He is now very capable of tearing the house down. God knows how many times I have to tidy up the house in a day. It's difficult to ignore the mess because most of the mess is in the living room. Stepping on books and toys is not exactly fun.

More about TheBoy himself:

1. At 21 months, he weighs a mere 8.5kg (on a good day). But after Huda, I am not that concerned about weight. His doctor is, though, so I must do something (or at least comfort myself into thinking that I amd oing something). We are seeing a dietician although past experience shows that it doesn't really help. Presently, his favourite food is pasta and so he has different types of pasta with whatever the rest of the family is eating. If he hasn't eaten much vegetables for a few days, I'll prepare some roasted broccoli; he can eat quite a substantial amount of that.

2. He's still being breastfed. I'm left with 3 months of that. I will miss it so so much even though I constantly complain about the 6 times a night that he wakes up for milk or dunno-what-nonsense-reasons.

3. He is at a stage where he understands funny things and repeats them for our entertainment (or perhaps his). Two days ago, we bought thosei from a nearby coffee shop. The man serving us acknowledged him, calling out "Adiiiiiik!"

Our dear friend was so tickled. When we ate the thosei at home, he kept on repeating "Adiiiiik", laughing hysterically each time.

4. He is sympathetic towards his sisters. Whenever one of them cries (normally it's because the other one is supremely annoying), if he is not too busy, he will join in the crying. Then whichever annoying sister it is has to placate both siblings. However, if he is busy, he will not bother.

As my time is limited and I suspect he's going to wake up soon, I will let pictures do the talking.

This is the Ihsan-pretends-to-read series of photos. He copies his sisters. Macam paham. But it never fails to tickle me funny bones.

Ihsan, the tukang kacau orang solat.

"Just a regular day. Putting my feet up. Not eating."

But when Kakak eats, I insist on sitting on her lap. 

And that's the other Kakak. 

-The End-

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