Thursday, August 27, 2015

Blessed Life

It is so easy to take so many things for granted and so at times, in the midst of doing something, I have to pause and count my blessings. When I was hanging the clothes one day, I thought of how my arms were in perfect condition, good for lifting those poles. Not too long ago after the Implanon insertion, I could barely raise my arms. And how good it is to be able to bathe with no restriction; hands that could reach the back of the neck and no wounds that must be kept dry.

Ihsan had another heart scan last week. It was only 6 months ago when he was struck with KD but it really felt like a lifetime ago.

Alhamdulillah. Whatever issues he had with his heart are all gone. The dilated arteries & the aneurysm - all gone. Masya Allah. God is good. And with that, no more daily aspirin.

We are so very blessed. Thank you Allah. May all of us be granted good health and a steady iman always.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ants $&#£{+!

Lovely weather, these days. A downpour, slight drizzle, just enough sun to dry the clothes, more drizzle, cool weather.

And then the ants decide that this weather makes outdoor living unsavoury. So with the pleasant weather, come the refugee ants. Truckloads of them from every tribe imaginable.

They are everywhere, roaming around looking for any crevices to build their homes in. I've given them enough warning to leave but they refused to budge. Occasionally, I'll invite some to a meal of terro-pco but their subsequent absence is only temporary. More will come to take over the place of the deceased.
