Tuesday, November 25, 2014

November 2014 Updates...

I have a few hours to myself now. Ihsan can nap for 2-3 hours in the daytime now. Huda has gone off for a Tarbiyah Programme conducted by sister-in-law's company, Little Muslim Readers. Farah is at the childcare centre. I'm supposed to straighten out the big store room but this blog requires some updates. Heh.

In no particular order and with no organisational skills/planning put into this entry, from the top of my head...

1. November 24

I turned 37 yesterday! Alhamdulillah, I'm still alive, in pretty good health, blessed with a good husband, lovely kids, a supportive extended family, very good friends, in decent financial state.. what more can I ask for? Alhamdulillah. Allah has been really kind to me and I am always grateful. (Forgive me, Allah, when I sometimes complain and whine. I  try to cut it out but I am a weak human.)

I complain sometimes about insects which find my home extremely attractive. Like these creatures that decided to wave at me and (according to Haryati) wish me a happy birthday yesterday..
Stuck on the outside of the living room window. Yikes.
Talking about homes - I have stopped looking for a bigger flat. I like the view outside the window too much to give up this place. What we'll do instead is to renovate the entire house sometime next year or year after next. There will be lots and lots of hidden storage space, airconditioning and there should be no need for window dressings. I actually hate curtains and it's such a waste of greenery outside when it's all covered by curtains. We have to engage an ID consultant for this. TheHusband and I only have vague ideas of our dream design and we need a professional to make sure that it happens.

Of course, a key thing that we will have will be some kind of 'invisible netting' to prevent all the insects from coming in. Yes, all those greenery come hand in hand with creepy crawlies but surely there is a way to tell them to stay out of my house!

2. Ihsan

He is now almost 4 months old! 110 days; 3 months 18 days to be precise. (I didn't count. I used an online duration calculator.)

He smiles and laughs a lot. He is quite a guzzler, drinking milk noisily as if he is famished. He wakes up 2-3 times at night which is fine by me. He sleeps in a cot beside my bed but always ends up on the bed with me  because I tend to fall asleep while feeding him.

He used to poo about 6 times a day. Small amounts of poop but boy, are they stinkbombs! Now he poos once or twice a week only. But it's a whole lot of poop which requires many many wet wipes and a complete hose down after all the wiping.

Knowing that this is most likely my last and final child (and perhaps the fact that I am an older mom therefore calmer, less kiasu etc), I am a lot less uptight about many things. I am not checking developing milestones every other day and ensuring he meets them. As long as he is developing well, I am fine. So what if he is not turning yet. Eventually, he will. I remember what a worrywart I was with Huda. I was concerned that she was taking a long time to start walking. But, it doesn't quite matter at which point you start, because you will get there someday. And so by the time Farah came around, I had made some realisations so I was relaxed about her toilet training. No point forcing it on her. When she's ready, she's ready. And so Farah practically toilet-trained herself.

And then, there's this poem I read recently. It was one of those poems which made the rounds on Facebook. About how this particular thing you do for your child could very well be the last time you do it for your child. No, not in that morbid way that you or your child will die. But, the fact that your baby grows up so fast that today, you are bathing him in his plastic bathtub and tomorrow (okay, more like many months from now), he will be standing up without the need for a tub. So I don't grumble (much) and just enjoy the moments.

Anyway, this boy enjoys his bath time very much. He kicks the water, smiles and coos during bath time. Absolutely adorable. And here are random pictures of him.
Must take pictures of him crying. Heh.

Kakak Farah squeezes and squashes him on a regular basis.

Kakak Huda and Ihsan look alike, yes?

Kakak Farah boring him to tears, no, sleepyland with a book about fairies. 

I took all three kids on a long MRT ride all by myself. Felt accomplished.

Actually, I wanted to write about the girls too but I think that has to wait because I absolutely must must must do housework now. So, goodbye for now!


smalldreams said...

He's so cute Nad! and yes, housework memang doesn't end, ever. Have u considered a part time helper? My colleague told me it's money well-spent…. hehee

e_chaya said...

so adorable all 3. and the vid of Ihsan is cute habis. and I like the pic of the girls reading on the MRT. (mcm mana nak insert emoticon thumbs-up eh?)

tea said...

Ihsan is super cute!! and yes, he looks like big sister Huda!! saper si haryati tuh pandai2 jer dia eh.

nad said...

Nani - I want a part time helper but I never could get one. (Doesn't help that I am sengkek and want to pay no more than $12/hr.) Saw 1 ad for $25/hour. I had 2 in the past but they have retired. So, I'm looking out for one. Tell me if you know any!

Farha - I also dunno how to insert emoticons. :p And, welcome to my quiet part of the world that very few know about! :D

Yati - I remember that Haryati - memandai2 cakap binatang2 tu nak wave hello. geli geman x 1 000 000!