Saturday, January 11, 2014

Three, Maybe?

11 January 2014

When the school term began this year, my fatigue level was so high. Not unexpected.

The second week came and I was still exhausted. I slept by 9pm most nights. But that was also my schedule when I started my working career years ago. 

By the end of the week, the other signs were stronger. The missed period. The nausea. The perpetual gastric pains. The nausea. The nausea.

A test kit showed what I suspected. A #3 was possibly on the way. Possibly - because I have a history of miscarriage and I didn't want to get too excited. When the nausea got worse, I informed a few more people of the pregnancy. My parents and sisters. And a brother who was in the Holy Land, asking him to say a few extra prayers for me.

I am not exactly sure how many weeks along I am now. It could be 5 weeks or 6 weeks or 7 weeks. As my last period happened during a lull period during the school holidays, I had no big event to reference the first date of my last period. 

Let's take a middle-of-the-road estimate - Week 6. 8 more weeks to feeling all good. Hopefully. 

Will be seeing my gynae next Saturday. All this while, I have been very independent, not really needing my husband to accompany me when I go for appointments. But, after making the appointment, I started crying. I thought about the last time I visited the gynae and seeing the outline of a baby with no heartbeat. So, TheHusband has got to accompany me this time round. 

Seriously, there is nothing fun about first trimester. There is the uncertainty of the viability of the pregnancy. The nausea and vomiting are misery-inducing. Smells - all smells are off-putting. Screens nauseate me. Plain water sends me straight to the toilet vomiting my guts out. Consequently, dehydration. What I need now is a doctor who can give me an IV drip once every few days to keep the dehydration at bay. And something to stop the acidity in my stomach. Urgh. Why isn't there a magic pill we can eat that will regulate our first trimester bodies?

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