Saturday, October 06, 2012

Not Multiplying Anymore

Before I started my Multiply account, I had one account at blogger.

No one knew of its existence except TheHusband and 1 or 2 close friends. I penned my thoughts down but of course as with all online activities, I was careful not to reveal too much information.

I liked Multiply because it was a simple all-in-one package. 

But, now that its death as a blogging site is looming, I have transferred all my blog contents to my old page,

You might find the 2005-2009 entries a bit confusing because I was writing on both blogger and multiply during that time. If you find the entry darker, then that must have been an original blogger entry. But then again, who has the time to plough through all those years of writing. 

I really hope blogger is not going to bite the dust too. I think someday, I have to copy all these in a format which the kids can access easily. After all, most of the entries here are about them and wouldn't they love reading about themselves.


1. I'm impressed that exporting the blog exported almost all the comments made. I thought all the comments would be gone but surprisingly, most are intact.

2. I don't like how much space there is between paragraphs. Must find a way to make it smaller.


tea said...

i'm impressed too when i see the comments follow ur posts!!

nad said...

yeah lor! i thought the comments would be gone for good and was a bit sad about that. especially cos the comments make up half the story sometimes. hooray for the export tools!