Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Wait, wait


I'm still in General Election mood.

I'll finish off one blog entry I started last month when I'm done reading a couple of books, blogs, watch some more videos, discover more things to read and so on. I will come back to this and talk about H & F.

Wait for it, the 3 of you who read this religiously (2 of whom are my sisters).


irris irris said...

I am waiting too!

tea tea said...

are u like trying to utilise ur time as much as possible since u'll be going back to the workforce like real soooooooooonn... (or are u extending ..again?)

nad makhuda said...

Nani & Yati - another entry is up!

Yes, yati. i write a lot more frequently when I'm working. cuz, i welcome the distraction that writing here gives me when i'm supposed to do schoolwork. hahaa! such a skiver attitude, eh? (i think i'll be in trouble when my bosses read this.)