Thursday, March 24, 2011


I'm supposed to write about our holiday-of-a-lifetime. But, I haven't quite sorted out my Japan thoughts yet so that will wait til the next entry.

I want to write about our new place! (Which is not ours - and no one knows when it will ever be.)

But I'd like to think positive and if I think of it as ours, it will soon be, right?

I don't know how long we've been searching for a new place. Others started their search much, much later than we did and they have long moved into their new place. We (well, me, mainly) are extremely fussy and in the entire of Singapore, there are only 2-3 units that we consider ideal. One of them (we call it The Most Ideal) was available quite sometime ago but the seller pulled out from the market. We have since lost the house-hunting stamina. Previously, we will go view any 5-room flats in the area which is available but now, if it's obviously something we won't buy (low floor, wrong block, block facing the wrong way), we won't go.

Imagine our delight when the home-owner of the one flat we've been coveting, ie The Most Ideal, tapped TheHusband's shoulder at an MRT station one day and asked him if he was still interested in his flat. OF COURSE! 

TheHusband quickly looked up HDB's website to see if we're eligible. Unfortunately not. It's the racial quota thing. Can we change TheHusband's ethnicity to that of his maternal great-grandmother so that we can get that flat?

We've got a few months to wait. The seller wants to sell his flat only in August/September because his new house will only be ready then. I hope we can buy the flat before then. I would have started working and we may not get a CPF loan. Hmm. But, I won't be too concerned about that. I hope some Malay family in the block will sell the flat to a Chinese family. Once that happens, we should be able to buy that flat! In the meantime, it's back to waiting.


Ai Li Tay said...

=D I think it is wise to wait for the best rather than to rush into it and regret later.
Awaiting your Japan trip reflections eagerly!

tea tea said...

if it's meant to be yours, it will be! :) All the best yar!

nad makhuda said...

aili & yati 8 yeah. we've been waiting for this one for so long oredi! we really really really hope we'll get it!