Friday, October 29, 2010

Creamy Salsa with Fish

I know I owe this blog a lot of updates but before I do that, I just absolutely have to share this recipe. My mother saw this on TV and she tried it out. She made some modifications to it. It tasted so good and she shared the recipe with me. I did it my way and it's just as delicious as my mother's!

(Well, I'm not sure what to call this dish. The original dish is Something-Salsa-Something-Something. So I anyhow name the dish and call it Creamy Salsa - just because it's hot.)

Sutchi fillet (or any fish you want). Pan fried lightly in olive oil and butter. Set aside.

1 large onion, cubed (those yellow ones - what do you call those onions?)
3 cloves of garlic, chopped (I took the easy way out and used the mortar and pestle and smashed them)
2 tomatoes, cubed (I used about 12-15 cherry tomatoes instead and cut each into 4)
4 bird's eye chillies (or less if you can't take hot stuff but you need to add at least 1 otherwise this sauce will be just a boring 'ol sauce)
Lime juice (Oops. I forgot to add this)
100ml cream
Some milk
Some water
Black pepper (Didn't add this)
Coriander leaves (Didn't add this either)

1. Heat some olive oil and butter in a saucepan.
2. Add the onions.
3. When it's translucent, add the garlic. Stir well. Make sure the garlic doesn't get burnt.
(At this point, I took out some of the sauted onion-garlic mixture and put in a smaller saucepan to make a kids' friendly version of this. It has everything that the adult version has minus the chillies.)
4. Add the chillies. Mix everything for a short while.
5. Then add the tomatoes.
(I'm not sure when the lime juice is supposed to go in since I didn't use it.)
6. Add the cream. Mix well. I then poured some water. Not much. Just enough for everything inside to be covered by the cream-water mixture. Then I worried that it'll be too diluted but I didn't want to add more cream for fear of clogging my arteries. So I added some milk instead.
7. I threw in some sugar and salt - maybe about I metric teaspoon and about 1/2 a metric teaspoon of salt.
8. Voila, it's ready!

To serve, lay the fish on a plate and drizzle the sauce over it. But if you don't care about clogged arteries, you can always bathe the fish in the sauce. Which is exactly what I'm doing later.


nad makhuda said...

The ingredients list and directions look pretty long now that I've typed it out. But, if you think that this is all rather 'leceh' (ie, inconvenient), really it's not. It's a very simple dish to make and you can't go wrong. It just looks long and complicated because I'm very ngeow and I must write every single thing down.

tea tea said...

eh, how come i miss this post. will try it! thanks for being ngeow! :)

tea tea said...

thanks for sharing the recipe nad. Here's mine: