Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Quick Quick One

This is supposed to be a super quick entry. I'll type everything that's on my mind now and then post it at the end of the session. Hopefully before Farah wakes up from her morning nap.

1. Farah caught HFMD and Huda got it a week later. It was terrible for F who had about 10 ulcers in her mouth. H had 2 ulcers only (one on each side of the inner cheek - and even then, the left side appeared after the right side disappeared) but she being a drama queen, her reaction to the ulcers were, well, dramatic. F didnt want to drink milk or eat and her diapers were dry. It was as traumatic for me as it was for her. But, thankfully, now both girls have completely recovered and I hope they will never get it again.

2. During this episode, my parents were not in Singapore! Boohooohoooo!! I am not a very efficient SAHM, you see. I always escape to my parents' when the girls are not feeling well. *guilty giggle* This time round, I had to do everything on my own. What a grown-up I felt like.. :P

3. Talking about growing up, years ago, my sister told me that when she turned 30, she would change all her skincare products to SK2. She was using Clinique then. Apparently, 30 is the age when your skin starts ageing. At that point, I figured that I would start taking care of my skin when I turn 30. Prior to that, I was using my sister's Clinique product (when we were still living as singletons in my parents' household) and after I got married, I washed my face with my husband's Kao Biore for Men. I know that I am extremely hopeless. Now, some 2 years plus plus plus after turning 30, I'm still using my husband's face wash.

I had been lucky because the skin on my face is very hardy and can tolerate all the nonsense I do to it (and what I don't do to it) without leaving much of a blemish or a scar. But, not anymore. Some kind of cosmic revenge, TheHusband calls it, but I've been having pimples appearing very, very frequently in the past 2 to 3 months. And they don't disappear, Thankfully they are small ones but they are still there.

So, it's time to start some kind of proper routine.

(If you are doing multi-level marketing and want to promote your products to me, please don't call me for an appointment. Just tell me about it via email and I will decide. Don't hound me, please. Thank you.)

4. More about ageing. My tastebuds are changing. Which could be the reason for the pimples. I've always liked plain water at room temperature and I had no interest in any form of sweetened drinks. Lately, however, I've developed a liking for orange juice, bandung, copious amounts of tea with milk. Aiyoooo. It's frightening.

As it is, I'm hardly exercising so all these sugary stuff isn't good at all.

5. About exercising - I need to build up my stamina. I was, shamefully, breathless after a short sprint for the bus.

6. But now, let's talk about food. Heh. My parents brought back the most succulent and tender leg of lamb from New Zealand and my mother cooked it last Sunday. I know I sound terribly deprived but that was the best ever member-of-the-sheep-family I had ever eaten. I didn't even need much to satiate myself. It was so tender, so sweet, so rich, so so so sooooooo nice. And it was probably be the only occasion in my life when I would ever eat that but it was enough. (I had heartburn for 2 days after that but it was worth it)

7. And now, for the main reason why I wrote this: 14 & 15!!

My parents' 14th and 15th grandchildren made their debut on the 3rd of March! They are not twins. 14 and 15 are children of my younger brothers. #14 was born in the morning of the 3rd of March and that same evening, mother of #15 was admitted to the hospital for an emergency C-section due to a low level of amniotic fluid. Alhamdulillah, both mothers and both children are fine.

When you are not the one who's just had the C-section, those babies look really attractive and I just want to cuddle each one and bring them home. But when you are still suffering from the post-C-section pains, all I want to do is just lie down and sleep. This paragraph is mostly a reminder to me to not get too excited about the babies because (a) they are not mine so I can't bring them home and (b) if I do have #3, the pains will be worse because it would be the 3rd c-section.

8. Now, I have pictures aplenty to upload. But, as always, they will all have to wait. (Wait for what? I also dunno.)