Thursday, June 18, 2009

Attack of The Crocs

Once upon a time, there was a Crocs sale. Prior to that, I've heard of lots of Crocs accidents and so, I did not want to get Crocs for the kids. But prices were slashed and a pair of Crocs were so cheap and so I ended up with 5 pairs, 2 of which were for Huda. She wore her first 2 pairs of Crocs without accident; it helps that whenever she's wearing her Crocs, I would not allow her on the escalator. We'll either go out of our way to take the lift or we'll carry her whenever we're on an escalator. She soon outgrew her Crocs. Another sale came by and I bought her another pair.

Yesterday evening, we decided to go for a jog/walk/crawl along the new Park Connectors and as usual, Uncle Tutumat was called upon for assistance. Farah was placed in the stroller while Huda sat behind Uncle Tutumat's bicycle.

We have done this a number of times before without any accident and so why should we worry, right? Wrong.

As usual, the bicycle would be far far ahead and Uncle Tutumat would wait for us before major crossings.

But this time round, it was a wailing Huda I heard first. What did I see?

The strap of her right Crocs was caught in the bicycle chain and the strap broke. But before the strap broke, her foot was dragged this way and that causing those massive abrasions.

So, Huda was brought to a nearby clinic, where the doctor told us to renounce our belief in Crocs. He sent us to KK for an X-ray to ensure no fractures where the doctor also told us to abandon our Crocs.

For us old fogeys, we are still wearing our Crocs but for the little ones, if they do wear it, it will be with extreme caution. They will not be wearing it anywhere near moving machines like escalators and bicycles. It will most likely be for a trip to the swimming pool which is a short walk away or at the beach after which she'll change into sensible sandals or shoes.

In the meantime, the little girl herself is very fine. Other than not having the guts to walk, she is still the happy, bubbly kid she has always been.

(I see this as an opportunity for her to fatten up. She won't be jumping or running for the next few days so hopefully, all the food she'll be eating will not be burnt off.)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Past Few Months...

That's Huda's watch. Yes, she chose Batman over Hello Kitty and other girly designs because Batman's watch has a purple strap.

I've been neglecting my multiply account in favour of facebook games (which is the main reason I joined facebook).

I intended to upload more photos of Farah but I realise that my excellent photography skills resulted in Farah having that deer-in-headlights look in almost all her shots. So, it's the same-old-same-old pictures of the stuff we did in the past few months.