Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Huda has been sleeping in her own room for more than two weeks.

We bought a bed (with a pull-out bed for Farah in future) and ever since then, she has been going to sleep in her room at night. However, in the middle of the night, The Husband and I would sometimes find a foreign particle sprawled in our bed and we would have to take the foreign object back to her own room.

However, her move wasn't complete until yesterday.

Yesterday, the wardrobe in her room was installed. Yipppeeee!

And finally, her clothes (and Farah's) moved to the next room.

Now if only everything was that simple.


The movement of belongings from Room 1 to Room 2 means that some things from Room 2 must go to Room 1. Excess stuff from Room 1 and Room 2 go to Room 3 which no longer has floor space. So, Room 3 must be cleaned out and stuff from Room 3 should be junked. Five huge plastic bags, two big boxes & more small plastic bags later, Room 1 and 2 look decent enough. Room 3 is still a work in progress.


The point of writing this is to say that I have no idea how we managed to amass so much stuff in our 5++ years together. The cleaning process has revealed that we have too many things we don't need. (So from now on, we shall no longer have trips to shopping centres. Those places are dangerous.)

I have more stuff to junk but I so sayang to throw them all away. I want to pass them to whoever who will find them useful. So if you are interested in any of these, please email me at b o o s h o o k   at    g m a i l    dot    c o m. (Get rid of the spaces, of course.)

1. 8 Days magazines - from 2007/8

2. Women's Weekly magazines - from 2004/5

3. Readers Digest magazines

4. Wooden clogs from Holland (not Holland Village but Holland the country with windmills, cows and cheese) - I don't know what possessed me to buy the clogs at that time. The clogs are big enough to fit my size 6 feet. The moment I came home, I put on the clogs and two minutes later, my neighbour living downstairs came up and complained about the incessant tok-tok-tok noise she heard. I haven't worn them since. (That was in 2005)

5. Osim iPamper - this, I'm not giving away. I'm selling it for $30? Any takers? (Or if you can beg really well, I'll just give it to you.)

6. And any chance anyone needs school uniforms from Crescent Girs' School and Jurong Junior College? (these will fit anyone who has a 23-inch waist *ahem* - but now the skirt will not even get past my knees)


To get all these things, you have to come to my house. The good news is, the lift will soon be ready!!


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lizard and My Girls

1. Last night, in the wee hours of the morning, I sat up against the headboard of my bed and fed Farah. The little lamp beside the bed was turned on and I was just staring at the wall in front of the bed when I noticed a movement near the door.

A lizard.

Or rather, a baby crocodile. (Because it was THAT huge.)

This approximately-15-centimetre creature danced on the wall this way and that before finally disappearing behind the curtain on the other side of the wall.

I couldn't run after if because of Farah and so sent The Husband to do the killing but it had disappeared.

Of course, this meant that more lizard traps are needed.

Speaking of lizard traps, The Husband removed one which had been stuck to one corner of a room for many months and there were 5 dead lizards there. There would have been more but there was no space for anymore lizards to glue themselves onto the sticky pads.

------------ end of lizard story ------------

2. Huda is incredibly shy among people she's not familiar with. She wouldn't even answer if they were to ask her for her name. But, I'm happily ruling out selective mutism because once she's familiar with someone, she will never stop talking.

3. Huda's potty ways - Finally, yesterday, she poo-ed in the toilet. It wasn't much of a problem making her pee in the toilet and she's been doing that since early this year but she couldn't poo in the toilet at all. There were two times when she poo-ed in the toilet but I wouldn't count those times because they involved pretty embarrassing details which shouldn't be repeated in public. All other times, she would do her business in her diaper which she still wears to sleep. (Not removing diapers at bedtime just yet. I do not wish to interrupt my sleep just to change bedsheets.) Hopefully, yesterday wasn't a fluke and she would continue pooing in the toilet.

I promised her that we would go to the supermarket after she'd had her dinner and she could get anything she wanted (errrr, confined to foodstuff and within a reasonable budget). So she chose a pack of M&Ms. We were going to meet up with her daddy, who would be on the way back from work, at the supermarket. And Huda, excitable little child she is, squealed in delight when she saw her father and screamed out, "Ayah! Mak belikan Huda coklat sebab Huda pandai. Huda berak dalam toilet!" (Ayah! Mak bought chocolates for me because I'm clever! I poo-ed in the toilet!) She screamed that out. In a crowded NTUC supermarket at Woodlands Civics Centre. And then she went on to say (very loudly) who she would share her pack of M&Ms with. According to Huda, Farah cannot have any because Farah doesn't have any teeth. (That's what I taught her so as to prevent her from feeding Farah anything.)

4. Farah is almost three months now. She can smile on occasions but once I whip out the camera, the smile fades away. She has been an easy baby to take care of and hopefully it remains this way. A few times a week, she would sleep through the night. Her last feed would be around 11pm and she would only wake up around 7-ish for milk. It is almost unbelievable because til today, Huda hardly ever sleeps through the night. 

5. While her sleeping pattern leaves much to be desired, her eating habits have improved significantly. Huda's eating A LOT these days. For dinner, she can finish off 2 bowls of rice but I would not give her any more than that because she wouldn't be able to keep all the food down.

But she is still skinny and weighs a mere 11.2kg as of yesterday

Where does all the food go?

She jumps. And jumps and jumps and jumps. We reach the last step of a flight of stairs - she jumps. There's a line on the floor - she jumps. There's a small puddle of water. She jumps. You get the picture. I tried to jump over a line. I can feel all my bones rattling and all my insides were busily rearranging themselves for many, many minutes after the jump.

Okay. Gotta stop now and attend to Farah even though I still have a whole lot of nothings to say. Bye for now!