Saturday, June 23, 2007

Can pass or not?


My final theory test is this Wednesday, 27 June and I've barely started studying. I think I'm going to fail lah.

I should have signed up for driving classes the moment I passed my Basic Theory Test but you know me lah - lazy like anything. So, I kept on postponing it. When I realised I absolutely must arrange for an instructor some two weeks ago, Huda had her fever and I felt really bad leaving her at my mom's while I go for a spin (if you can call it that).

Now, I'm just days away from my test and I have no idea how to do a half clutch - oh goodness! - don't get started on how brilliant I am, wanting to learn how to drive a manual instead of an automatic car when such options are available these days.

Die die die!!!

I'll go for the test, nevertheless and between now and Wednesday, if I just tie the book to my head, perhaps, some useful info will filter down through my thick skull.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Crying Child

Somewhere in my neighbourhood, there's a baby who has been crying for at least one hour.
Poor kid.
And poor parents.
(Huda used to do such things too. Only that she'd choose a really good time like 3 am in the morning. It's now only about 11 at night. So, this crying child is still doing okay.)

Friday, June 01, 2007

Developmental Milestones

Let me put up all these bits of info which I may forget soon.
Flip Over - I can't recall when exactly she could do this but it was about a week after 5.5 months - which is equivalent to 4 months, corrected age. Her physiotherapist showed us how to make her flip over and after a few days of practising, she could do it all by herself!
Crawl - It should be about 7 months (real age) as it was during Hari Raya and my sister-in-law commented that she could crawl.
Pull to Stand - She could pull herself to a standing position at 8 months.
Walk - This only happened recently - at 14 months.