Sunday, September 03, 2006


I like sepet eyes. (That explains my choice in life partner. Hahaa!)
I just watched Sepet which I borrowed from Ah Chong months ago.
What a movie.
Unfortunately, whether I like it or not, Ah Loong died. Gubra confirmed that.
I figured, he died as a result of answering the phone while on the road - yes, don't use the phone while on the road - but at least, he died a happy man.
Plenty of symbolisms but, I don't like to peel it layer by layer because I feel, over-analysing destroys the beauty of a story.
Anyway, I'm writing about it now because I can't sleep after watching something like that. I can never watch or read something that requires an amount of afterthought before I go to bed. My head will be whirring with activity and it's just too darn noisy up there for me to enjoy a quiet night of sleep!

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