Sunday, September 03, 2006


I like sepet eyes. (That explains my choice in life partner. Hahaa!)
I just watched Sepet which I borrowed from Ah Chong months ago.
What a movie.
Unfortunately, whether I like it or not, Ah Loong died. Gubra confirmed that.
I figured, he died as a result of answering the phone while on the road - yes, don't use the phone while on the road - but at least, he died a happy man.
Plenty of symbolisms but, I don't like to peel it layer by layer because I feel, over-analysing destroys the beauty of a story.
Anyway, I'm writing about it now because I can't sleep after watching something like that. I can never watch or read something that requires an amount of afterthought before I go to bed. My head will be whirring with activity and it's just too darn noisy up there for me to enjoy a quiet night of sleep!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

What to do, what to do

Baby's asleep.
Husband's on the PC.
What to do now?
Nothing and everything.
Random thoughts now:
1. Note to self: When requesting IKEA to drill holes in your wall, make sure you have lots and lots and lots of holes for them to drill cos they do a darn good job (cos they are expensive so make sure it's worth your $85).
2. Angkut angkut: Be scared. Be very scared cos the angkut2 is always out for revenge. They'll build three mounts on top of your wardrobe and you won't even realise it until it's too late.
Okay. Maghrib now. Gonna pray.