Saturday, March 04, 2006

My Dear Huda

Dear Huda,

Mak and Ayah are worried about you, you know? At 32 weeks, you are only 1.03kg! According to the sonographer, you are supposed to be about 1.8kg now. Dr Adelina Wong said that the problem could be due to my placenta not providing enough nutrients for you. After I've done a bit of research on the good ol Internet, that is also the only possibility that I can come up with. They call it 'placental insufficiency'.

This bit worries me because, well, because.

I have lots of pessimistic thoughts on this but I'd rather not articulate them.

Dr Wong told me that if you are not too active, ie you don't kick much, I must go straight to the Delivery Suite. But, Huda, you are too small to see the world now! On the other hand, I must also realise that if you don't get much nutrition in my womb, it's better for you to come out now.
*sigh* I don't know what I should do, Huda.

Dr Wong has forced a 1-week medical leave on me. Ayah also forced me to take it. I guess, the rest during this one week should do me and you a lot of good. Maybe, you are too small because your Mak does not know how to rest? So, this one week, I'm going to take morning and afternoon naps. That's what some mommies in one of the forums I visit told me. They said that as long as I'm eating well, it is rest that I need to take more of.

A few other mommies also told me that durians will help in your growth spurt, Huda. Unfortunately, there were no durians at Shing Shong just now. I'll get Ayah to buy me some tonight.

Meanwhile, Mak and Ayah have been praying to Allah to keep you healthy and safe in my womb. Amin.

Be good, Huda darling. Try to eat all the nutritious stuff you can, okay, sweetie?

We love you more than you can ever imagine!

Mak and Ayah

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