It was Huda's birthday yesterday! We always pray for our children to be good, upright Muslims and always to seek Allah's pleasure in everything that they do. Amin.
And (as one of my friends on facebook put it) - my C-section scar had turned 7 years old.
I like that my kids enjoy reading. I'm quite sure that it's partly a girl thing and partly the absence of TV. While Huda can read fluently now, Farah is still at the beginning stage but with the memory of an elephant that she has, I'm quite sure that she'll be reading simple books on her own in less than a year. However, now, she has a tendency to memorise stories. Read to her the story more than 3 times and she'll be able to recite some parts of the story back to you. This ability is not very helpful for her to begin reading, though.
Ngaji. Farah is giving poor Kak Mal - her ngaji teacher - a lot of grief. She refuses to read sometimes and when she finally does, she reads everything in an exaggerated sing-song way.
School holidays. It's the school holidays finally and 10 3/5 weeks of being in class is sheer torture. As a testament to my ageing self, my body is taking a long time to recover from ailments that had their beginnings in the final week of the December school hols. The sore throat is still a problem and the after-effects of the cold sore at the bottom of the lower lip is lingering still. I can live with the sore throat but that cold sore scar looks awful. I don't know how parents I spoke to last Friday managed to keep up a decent conversation with me when I have a raw open wound staring at them. That wound is taking its own sweet time to heal thanks to the nature of my job. Couldn't possibly keep my mouth closed on the job, could I? So, the poor wound, just about to be sealed after 8 hours of beauty sleep got ripped open the moment I got to work.
But, today, as I was putting things away, I chanced upon a small bottle of propolis which a kind neighbour gave for my sore throat. I decided to apply one tiny drop of the propolis on my cold sore wound and hopefully, in the days to come, it will heal completely. (After I had this stroke of ingenuity, I googled and found out that propolis cream is used to treat cold sore and wounds. But, this is pure propolis that I'm using. Recovery should therefore be almost immediate?)
The daughters are asleep. TheHusband has gone to Johor with his friend. It's actually time for me to start on my much-delayed work. But, but.. oh the laziness of it all!
The kids in school had to update their blog as part of the ICT curriculum and one of the kids very confidently announced to his classmates that he was very sure Mdm N had a blog. Errrrr, yes kids. I do. But seeing that none of you could sniff out my fb account, I doubt any of them can find this. Hur hur hur. (My fb account is a case of I-find-you.You-don't-come-looking-for-me.)
Blog. I need to find out how to put links here. And how to change the appearance of this blog. And start going through every single post and weed out the drafts and the privatised entries which were all exported here from multiply.
Okay. 10.42pm. The bed beckons. Forget about school work already. :D