Happy new year, y'all!
Hur hur. Some 2 months after calendars all over the world were changed.
I am somewhat inspired to write after being stuck for 2 weeks writing a review as part of the reflection process in school. We actually have a review template to help us direct our thinking but after being soooo incredibly inspired by Paul Tough's How Children Succeed, I told my RO (that's Reporting Officer), ie, my supervisor, that I want to do a review for my reflection. But, oh my oh my, how I was so terribly constipated in my (many) attempts to even get started. I just could not believe it. Me, constipated.
But today, after successfully completing the review - seriously, not a great one, not even a good one - I realise that not writing in my blog has resulted in a severe lack of writing practice. After all, didn't someone famous say 'Writing maketh an exact man'? So if I want to be precise n what I have to say, writing is the way to go.
Anyway, if you are looking for the review I wrote, you're not going to find it here. I'll just tell you, read it.
This verbal constipation doesn't just affect my review attempt. It also affected my ability to share my thoughts when I met up with my friends. I met up with 2 groups of friends and coupled with my scratchy voice (2 months of un-cured sore throat), I felt terribly ineloquent. The only time I could talk in a sensible way was in the classroom. Well, I hope I was talking in a sensible way.
What happened to my life so far? Huda started primary school. She was pretty okay about it. Still is. Alhamdulillah. Huda and Farah are still typically sisters - which means that they fight a lot. Argh! The headache of it all.
Farah says the funniest things sometimes. Like, the other day, Huda - being the typical sister - quietly and sneakily placed her hand on top of Farah's hand which was on the coffee table. Then, with all her might, she pressed her sister's hand really hard. Farah looked at Huda and said with a quizzical expression, "Kakak, do you think my hand is the table?"
Farah also thinks she's English because she speaks English. This just means that it's time for us to go back to our Malay-only policy but it's hard. If we don't speak correct English, the children will not get to hear correct English being spoken. The only reason why we started using more English in our conversations with the children is because of the Singlish-ness of Huda's speech. Not that Singlish is bad. Singlish is fine if you can speak good English. It requires a lot of effort to speak in Malay, without switching back and forth to English within the same sentence but with practice and with a bit of effort, it can be done. Maybe, I'll speak Malay and TheHusband, English.
Okay. Abrupt ending. Yet again. But sleep beckons. Well, not sleep yet. But, the ironing board. At 11.47pm. How I hate ironing and how I always always push it to the last possible moment. Ack.