Thursday, May 03, 2012

3 May 2012

Kids go through stages and Farah is at the kids-say-the-darndest-thing phase.

Farah had chicken pox recently and TheFather tried to apply calamine lotion on her.

Father: Mari sini. Ayah sapukan calamine lotion.

Farah: *recoils with horror* Tanak!

Father: *tries to coax and cajole and bribe*

Finally, Farah brought the broom out and passed it to her father.

(This will get lost in translation. It's because of the confusion over the meaning of 'sapu' - this has 2 meanings in Malay - spread (nutella on bread/calamine lotion on body etc) or sweep (the floor). 

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Work Woes

This is filled with complaints. 

1. I don't blog much because:
a. I need at least 5 hours of sleep daily. 
b. Anything less than that, I'll need to use cosmetics to hide the monstrosity I see in the mirror. 
c. I hate gunk on my face so I need to sleep.

(I'm running out of excuses soon.)

2. I wonder how maid-less working moms who do not have parents/relatives to help out survive. Childcare centres and childcare leave cannot help you when your kids have chicken pox. I am so very, very grateful that my parents are helping us take care of Huda and Farah who were down with chicken pox these past four weeks. Without my parents' help, I would have quit. 

3. I find myself spending an inordinate amount of time working at home. After the kids go to bed, I will mark and prepare the next day's lessons. This takes place from 9pm to about midnight. I leave school at around 5pm daily. Despite this, I still cannot finish my work - especially the committee work which I label as important but not urgent. How like this? Is work incompatible with family life?

4. Tonight, I did not touch my work. In return, there is this terribly naggy voice inside my head telling me that I have work to do. I hate this. Why can't my time away from work be time for me? I think I have to look into getting that photocopying lady job.

May 2012

Another late update. Lots to say but not much time to say it.


1. Farah getting more feisty. 

2. Huda needs to learn to fend for herself. 

3. Farah should stop bullying her sister. 

4. Life is never quiet. 

Will write more. Soon. I hope.