I am soooo inundated with work. My honeymoon period is over and I now barely have time to even check my facebook. I am now involved in areas which I previously have no interest in. But I should learn and expose myself to things which are completely new so as to rejuvenate my brain cells so that I (hopefully) do not get a severe case of dementia a few years down the road.
Farah's School Life
It was pretty uneventful, the first few days. She barely cried so I thought all was going to be okay. But, like Huda, the tears fell much, much later. After she overcame the baby talk (see previous entry), she started waking up in the middle of the night. (Both kids have been sleeping through the night, up to that point.) Sometimes, she would come to my room, wake me up, and tell me in a sad little voice, "Mak, besok Farah tanak pergi sekolah tau?" (Mak, tomorrow I don't want to go to school.")
Then, she started telling me nonsense like, "I don't want to go to school because my teacher's eyes are too round."
Sigh. I'm sure one day, she'll start enjoying school as much as Huda does. Til that day comes, I have to tolerate all these sob stories coming from her.
Farah the Theatre Practitioner
She can turn her tears on like a seasoned performer. As of now, it's still amusing although I don't really humour her much when she starts her tear-y sessions. She'll just bury her face in her eyes and sob quietly. It's seriously amusing when that happens. You'll see her shoulders moving up and down and you'll hear those gentle sobs coming from her.
She does this whenever anything displeases her, even something so small and insignificant. The other day, Huda decided to sit in the front seat when my father sent them to school. Farah, feeling lonely at the back, started sobbing. One day, I ended a phonecall with TheHusband without passing the phone to her first, she started sobbing. My brother and sister teased her about taking her bag, she started sobbing.
But, it's not that she's some weepy little girl. When my nephews tease her (and this can be particularly annoying), she'll turn into some feisty little thing and will disturb my nephew back. So, there's really no pattern in sight for now. It really totally depends on her propensity for theatrics at that point in time.
Huda's Quran Reading
Aiyoooh. Ever since the new school term started, it has been very, very erratic. I'm trying to keep it to at least 4 times a week instead of daily recitation as planned earlier.
Huda's School
I don't know!!!
School A produces very good results but Huda will have no life for the next 6 years as homework will keep her very occupied . It helps that her cousins are in the same school too so it'll be more convenient when school is closed for Marking Day or whatever reasons. Only one adult needs to take the day off to take care of the kids and we can save on our childcare leave.
School B is very, very near our house and TheHusband can send the kids to school in the morning. Its results are okay; I think.
Should I put School A as first choice or School B? Both schools will still be double session next year so I doubt either school will be popular among parents. Hopefully, there won't be any balloting needed. I think I will wait til the last day of P1 registration before I make up my mind where to register Huda.
All right. That's all for now. Hopefully I'll put up another entry soon enough. More about the kids and the antics they get up to (plenty).