Blogging fatigue has hit me. For the past few weeks, I just don't feel like writing much or even visiting other people's blogs, which is a kepo habit I have ever since homepages came into existence. (Should my kids read this in the future, they will wonder what homepages are, pretty much similar to the way I wonder what 'darning a sock' means.)
(Now, I'm curious and I'm gonna google 'darn sock' so that I will finally know what it is.)
(I've done my googling and now I wonder why people in this modern made-in-China-cheap-cheap-cheap world would darn a sock.)
And so I've digressed. I'm forcing myself to write this and I will just post whatever that I have written so that I get into the blogging groove again. (I have this tendency to post a few entries in quick succession followed by a long period of silence.)
Huda had her 5th year check-up at the hospital just now. She goes for yearly check-ups at KK because of her prematurity. I'm pretty sure that her being premature and having had very low birth weight are no longer issues that affect her development. She was a late developer in some areas but is now on par with her peers. Alhamdulillah. But we still have to go for check-ups and KK will only discharge the preemies when they are 8 provided there are no lingering health issues related to the prematurity. I don't mind going for the check-ups because it's an avenue for me to ask her doctor any questions at all.
Today's check-up made me a bit jittery because she is scheduled for an "assessment" in September. Oh no. I scared.
(I can't imagine what it will be like when Huda goes to school and have to sit for tests and exams. Let's not even talk about PSLE here.)
1. Farah is getting highly entertaining (and vexing too). You tell her to do things which are good for her, such as put away her toys, and the answer you'll get is, "I dowaaaaan." (ie, I don't want.)
She is so good at making a huge mess and she does it in double quick time. When it comes to cleaning up, I have to expend so much energy to make her clean up.
2. These days, she likes to pretend to be other people. She'll point to herself and say, "Ni Atok." (This is Grandfather.) Then she'll assign different roles to different people and so her grandmother becomes her aunt, her sister becomes her grandmother etc. It was all just part of her daily nonsense until she pointed to herself and said, "Ni kambing." (This is a goat.)
3. I'm trying to wean her off breastmilk for good. I'm doing it in stages. For now, I want to completely cut out the night breastfeeding. But she's not too happy about it, of course. So she pays me back by waking up 4 times at night and each time, I'm supposed to present her with a bottle of milk. I'm humouring her for now but I will soon cut down on her night milk feeds because it is completely not fun having to change heavy diapers at 2 am in the morning.
Okay. That's all I'm writing for now because I gotta start sleeping early in preparation for my return to the workforce at the end of June. Boo!