Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week 20

What is it? What is it? It's a GIRL!

I'm now hoping for a healthy baby girl who's not a fussy eater. :)

The scan shows that our little girl is growing normally and is healthy. She was playing peek-a-boo with us during the scan and Huda enjoyed getting a sneak peak of her baby sister.

We asked Huda to suggest a few names for her sister, otherwise known as Baby Adik. These are her suggestions:

1. Lion

2. Rhino

3. Her grandfather’s name



Other W20-related stuff:

1. I'm feeling breathless a lot more frequently these days. Even after not-so-strenuous activities like scrubbing the toilet floor. (Seriously, not much effort is needed for that because out of all the house chores, scrubbing the toilet floor is the one thing that I do very, very regularly.)

2. The colostrum has started leaking. If this means that breastfeeding will be as easy this time round, then leak away! (Of course, nothing on the internet says that this is true. It's only a myth but it's a good myth.)

3. My placenta is low. According to the gynae, for 90% of pregnant women with low placenta, the placenta will move up as the baby grows bigger. But for the other 10%, the placenta will remain low til the end of the pregnancy so the baby has to exit via a C-section. The gynae told me to take some precautions; one of which is not to carry anything more than 10kg (that will be Huda). I've already done that since the beginning of this pregnancy. The problem of having a low-lying placenta is really nowhere near as bad as having intrauterine growth restriction, which was Huda's problem. As long as our little girl is healthy, I am happy.

4. Braxton-Hicks contractions have begun also, much to my annoyance. Is there a reason for these fake contractions? It hurts and it serves no purpose. Or does it?

5. I'm beginning to be able to take plain water more often these days. I better. The urine test shows that the glucose level in the urine is a +2. I don't exactly understand what that means but I know that it shows that there's some possibility of gestational diabetes. No!!! I'm already not eating all that much and I simply can't afford to watch my diet. The gynae told me to continue eating normally and see what the next test shows. If it's still positive, then she'll order a glucose test.

All righty. That's about it. I'm now entering Week 21. But I foresee that I'll be much too l/a/z/y to do updates. ;)

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Some More Thoughts

1. My interest in crochet has been given a new lease of life. I realise that the crochet-ed tablecloth that was given to me is not quite the crochet-ed tablecloth of my dreams and before The Husband gets heart palpitations from my desire to get a new tablecloth, I might as well learn how to crochet, yes?

2. My house is still not Raya Ready despite this being the 5th day of Hari Raya. Hur hur hur. Well, to begin with, we were not in much of a celebratory mode considering that the patriarch of the family fell ill. The matriarch of the family made frequent trips to the hospital, leaving me to take care of the not-so-young younger siblings. And somehow, that pretty much dampened our intentions to spruce the house up (excuses, excuses - well, we weren't home most of the time, if that justifies our laziness..). I had plans before then, like getting some professional cleaners to do something to our once-upon-a-time off-white leather sofa (which is presently a cross between grey and brown), like cleaning the window grilles and getting rid of the mountains of lizards' poo on the window sills, like scrubbing the floor clean, like clearing out our bedroom-turned-storeroom and turning it into Huda's room, like like like...

BUT, my noble intentions remain as intentions. They have yet to be carried out (except for the kitchen window grille). When will the house ever be Raya Ready? (By Deepavali, I hope..)

3. Alhamdulillah, after everything that has happened, the patriarch of the family was discharged yesterday and is resting at home now. Thank you, all, for the prayers and kind words. Please, if you do have the time, make a do'a for his good health. Amin. Thank you.

4. Huda is interested in a doll now. This is the first doll that has held her interest for more than 28 seconds. She took it from her cousin's toy box on Friday and as of today, her interest in the doll is still strong. How strong? The doll goes everywhere with her. The Husband is most glad because he has always been concerned about Huda's lack of interest in girl-y things.

5. I am itching to get stuff (clothes, actually) for #2. But, the gender is not known yet and I have to resist the urge til 13th October when all will be revealed.