26 June 2008
My period which otherwise comes like clockwork is late. All my pre-menstrual symptoms did not appear this week. That will include the pimples which regularly pop in to see me one week before my period begins.
I'm feeling tired all the time now. I feel nauseous when I'm hungry. That is so strange. With Huda, I was nauseous all the time.
Am I?
I'm reluctant to take a pregnancy test. I think the test kits are overpriced and if it's negative, it's $15 all gone. And also, so that, if I were to have my period 2 weeks from now, I would not know that it was a miscarriage.
30 June 2008
My period is still not here. Not that I want it to come. I get pains similar to gastric pains which make me wanna vomit each time I'm hungry. And I'm hungry every hour or so. Yet, in one sitting, I can't eat much. This is frustrating.
I feel tired. I could only stand up for 1 period in class just now. I spent the rest of the time sitting down and conducting lessons.
I still have not taken a pregnancy test. I know that this could very well be a severe case of stress. So stressed that pregnancy-like symptoms appear? Oh, no thank you. I don't need this kind of stress. But I do feel so stressed by work lately. I will NOT go there. I will NOT taint baby talk with talks of work.
Huda lifted up my t-shirt just now and patted my tummy and said, "Baby. Baby." After that, she treated my tummy like a kompang. Ouch.
I'm extremely hungry.
5 July 2008
So, it's true. 2 test kits showing 2 positive lines suggest that #2 is on the way.
I'm still hungry but eating everything results in me feeling queasy. The vomiting, however, is not as severe as that of Huda's time. But, it is still early days yet. I remember when I was about 6+ weeks with Huda, I told The Husband that all the vomiting is just in the mind because I managed to suppress them. The following week saw me bent double over the toilet bowl, retching my guts out. That's cockiness for you.
Based on online pregnancy calculators, this baby is due either on the 1st or 2nd of March.
And I've also made an appointment with a gynae. It's Tuesday, 3.20pm. The following day, I have a Big Thing at school so even if I'm issued with a one-month MC, I must go to school.
Now, I'm going to go through my mother's kitchen to see what little I can eat. I'm at my mom's place because The Husband is out and about running errands on this lovely Saturday. Which is normally what we'd do together with Huda in tow. But, I suppose, no more Saturday outings for the next few weeks. (I'm gonna channel all the positive energy I have to think that this morning sickness will end by week 10 or week 12, tops.)
Okay. Til another time.
6 July 2008
These gastric juices are too much. When I eat a tiny morsel of something, they wil go on overdrive and I will feel the sharp pains just mere seconds after I swallow the food. However, last night, The Husband grilled some steak and I had a tiny bit of it. I felt okay for minutes after and I thought, perhaps, meat is the answer. Maybe the gastric juices take a much longer time to break down a piece of meat. But, soon, came the sharp pain. :( So, I figured, I need to eat something else - something that will keep the gastric juices occupied for a lot longer - like a piece of Lego or something.
14 July 2008
On medical leave today. Uweek.
Dear Good Government,
In your new-improved package to make people procreate even more, can you please include a one-month leave for women in their first trimester? I feel so lembik these days.
There. I am indeed pregnant. Alhamdulillah. Please keep me in your prayers. Pray that I'll have a smooth-sailing pregnancy and a healthy baby. Amin.