Monday, March 31, 2008

A Long Night Ahead

I have something due tomorrow.

I could have finished it much earlier but Huda woke up at 9.30pm and I only managed to put her back to sleep at 11pm. So, for the past hour, I was furiously trying to keep sleepiness at bay while finishing the work.

A few minutes ago, I completed it and closed the word document.

BUT, instead of clicking yes to save, somehow, I clicked no.

I just finished banging my head against the wall some 2 seconds ago.

WHY????! WHY????? WHY???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Now, almost two hours later, I was closing this window and that. I have finished everything - more or less (but more to the less).

And then, history almost repeated itself.

I clicked that dastardly X in the corner.

"Do you want to save the changes to WWWWW?"

Tired, sleepy and cranky, I did not register those words and almost, almost clicked No again.

But, heng ah. I woke up from my daze in time to avert yet another possible disaster.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Huda has decided that her bear and balloon are Chinese.

She insists on calling the bear Ah-Bear and the balloon Ah-Be.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

From February to March

Lele is a very, very smart girl. She can have proper conversations with her parents and she says all her words very clearly. She's also going to conduct courses on how to prevent bullying in school. Hehe..

It's the term break but this has got to be the busiest term break of my life. With only a one-day break, I tried to squeeze in as many activities as possible but I could be a lot less ambitious. I failed to do the one thing which I normally do during the break - a complete clean-up of the humble abode. So our third bedroom remains a store room and toys and dust continue residing harmoniously under the sofa. Lizards will have no trouble identifying the window sills as their poo-poo area. The community of ants which are back in the kitchen can continue their freeloading ways; no rent charged.

And these are pictures from last month to this month. We haven't been taking that many pictures of late because we are not really fans of our Casio camera. I prefer the Canon Ixus that we lost. But, really, those are just excuses. We are just lazy.

And do forgive the highly unimaginative captions. Creativity is not my thing.

Monday, March 10, 2008

First Quarter Over

1. It's about time for me to update and tell everybody that I'm still alive.

2. I've been busy, busy, busy and it looks set to get worse in the coming months.

3. My plan to meet up with various people this one-week break seems bleak. Each day of the week sees me back at work.

4. Early this evening after work, The Husband and I reached the MRT station almost at the same time. So, we decided to have a quick dinner at Causeway Point before picking up the Little Girl. A meal together without the Little Girl is not a frequent happening. We missed her by the time our meal came to an end. (Note: NOT during the meal)

5. Means Testing: Okay lor. At least I'm still subsidised if I choose C class.

6. My command of my own mother tongue is deteriorating. It was never that great to begin with but it has steadily declined. My aim is to achieve a standard like this. I can dream, can't I?

7. JJ AVAC!! Have you seen this video? I am impressed beyond words.