Could I be pregnant?
(If I am, my calculations show that it'll be a girl.)
I've not been feeling too well these past two days. I've been feeling really tired. Yesterday, I had mild diarrhoea with some strong queasy feeling in my stomach. Everything I ate seemed to linger a little bit more in my stomach and threatened to escape from the mouth.
And, the most telling sign of all - plain water tasted awful.
Now, if I were pregnant, I really don't intend to go back to work just to enjoy maternity benefits. That was my plan. To start Project Baby #2 only after 2008 so that I can get the maternity benefits. Being pregnant is not easy, mind you. So, I'm thankful the good government recognise this and reward mothers with a lovely maternity package.
But, I've already stated my intention of going on 1 year worth of no-pay-leave. And I don't intend to go back on my word (and take on the added responsibilities which I'd promised I'd take up).
Besides, I figured that, if my second pregnancy will be like my first, it will be for my own good that I stay home and rest. Last pregnancy, I was giving more attention to work. I hardly rested and had to be coerced into taking my final one-week medical leave to stay at home.
So, I suppose, if I were pregnant now, it won't be such a bad idea after all. I will only have to devote what little energy reserves I have into taking care of Huda and the little one.
I'll only know in a few days. If this fatigue and queasiness go away, there'll be no need to pee on a stick.