Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Get Moving!

I absolutely believe that I must start regular exercise. With food control, I can keep my weight down but all these flabby bits are waaaaay out of control.

Yes, sometimes the fats can be hidden inside loose clothings but once the wind blows, unless I'm wearing a cardboard box, my grandmother of a tummy will be accentuated.

What are my excuses for not starting my exercise regime:

1. No stamina (because I don't exercise)
2. I don't like to get tired
3. I don't like to perspire

There are so many positive benefits of exercising. Having a toned body is only one aspect. The effect on the brains is what I should also be gunning for. Come on, self. Get out of this lazy, lazy rut and start moving!

(yes, teh tarik in upper right corner)