Friday, October 06, 2017

Weighty Issues

Those whose BMI are not in the normal range may roll their eyes at my post but the path to weight gain is the tiny bit of weight that comes, stays and never leaves.

November 2014, I went to KK and had my weight taken. I was 46kg. Given my height of about 154cm, that puts my BMI at 19.4. Really comfortable BMI.

Then, a few things happened:

1. Implanon (Possible side effect: weight gain)
2. Breastfeeding (Possible side effect: weight loss)
3. Ageing (possible side effect: low metabolism and therefore weight gain)

By the end of 2016, my breastfeeding career was coming to an end. My weight then was 48kg.

The end of 2016 also saw us moving house. Possible side effect: weight gain because I no longer had to walk for 40 minutes (20 minutes each way) in the hot midday sun to fetch the girls from school.

So these 4 factors - implanon, end of breastfeeding, ageing and moving house - have all conspired together to send my weight to a hefty 53kg. 52-point-something some days. 51-point-something once or twice a month. 53kg was the biggest number i saw in recent times.

My BMI is now 22.4. Just 0.6 more points and I'll be in the overweight category.

I know I must do something about this. Reducing food intake no longer has an effect.


I've always hated PE lessons in school. I don't like to perspire. I have coordination issues. Clumsy to the core. I don't have the stamina to run much further than 10m (honed by my propensity to procrastinate everything, ending up almost always having to run after the bus) . But I can brisk walk for 40 minutes in the hot midday sun (as evidenced by the pain of having to fetch the girls from school). I can also do some simple yoga stretching exercises. I used to be pretty good at inclined flexed arm hang.

My 40th birthday gift to myself is the gift of health. (I've written about this before, havent I? Sounds so familiar.)

I hope to be able to run the standard 2.4km distance without stopping. I've never done this before in my entire life. But my friend, A, whose fitness level was worse than mine and could barely pass the 2.4km run in JC, is now a fitness buff who is not only amazingly slim but also can run 10km without stopping. If she can do it, surely I can too.

But first, I have a bigger evil to fight. Procrastination.

Okay nehmind. We write our goals first. We cast it in stone. Then we do. Do, we shall. (Oi! Do it today ah. Not tomorrow!)