Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Not really terrible twos

Why do people say terrible twos?

I think the threes are worse! They are so demanding, cannot be distracted easily, stronger, louder, more stubborn..

Be patient, I tell myself. This, too, shall pass.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 24 Updates

Oh hello blog!

I wonder how long blogspot will be up and running. Multiply died long ago and at the rate people are turning to social media, how long a life is left in sites like this? Hopefully, long enough for all the kids to go through all the entries.

Of course, all those old entries where promises were made ("I'll upload photos real soon!") will never see the promises kept. Heh.

Things around the house have been more or less the same. As "same" as it could be considering that the kids are growing (some rapidly, some slooooowly) and the adults are ageing (slowly and gracefully, we hope).

Alhamdulillah for everything that has happened to us. Good things, bad things, normal, everyday things. There's a lot to be grateful for.

Now, for the specifics.

1. H is moving towards PSLE year. I suddenly realise how close it is when this year's PSLE LC came and left. The next time there's an LC exam, it'll be H's turn. Gulp! I am most concerned about Science (ask me about it offline if you want to know) and oral exam.

She's not much of a talker and although she's more comfortable with English, it doesn't mean she wants to talk much. There's also Malay Oral. OMG. That is one big worry but I have faith in the Cikgu to help her as much as possible. I speak Malay most of the time these days especially when I want to scold the little people. And the girls speak Malay to the little boy. It's stilted, the way they speak but at least they are speaking Malay to at least one person in their lives.

2. Social Media Recluse. It's kind of strange the way I feel towards social media these days. I have dunno-how-many friends on fb and ig but I just want to read their posts and updates but I dont want to respond in any way. Why ah? Except for a handful of people. (I'm talking about you lah, mrs armf - you always see my name on your posts. And maybe 1 or 2 more persons.) I think this is a phase. It's strange. Weird. Becoming more introverted as I reach adulthood? Perhaps. Rewind a bit - reach adulthood eh? Mid life crisis lah ni.

3. I've been plagued by a series of small-scale illness lately. Alhamdulillah for them. All to destroy my mountains of sins. The girls have been most helpful when I need a rest due to a fever, headache etc. F can always be counted on to give the little boy a shower and H can put on his diapers and clothes. Next thing they need to learn is how to fry eggs. I can then go on a holiday with TheHusband sans kids! Woooohoooo!

Yeah right.

For now, they can be left on their own for up to 2h. This morning, TheHusband and I went marketing without them. TheHusband prepared their breakfast. Then, they were given tasks (vacuum the floor, make the beds, put things away, shower etc). After all these are done, they can watch TV (specific channels only). When we came back, they were watching TV and not quarreling over which TV channel to watch

Kids are strange. They quarrel and fight in our presence but when we are absent, they can live peacefully together.

(Yes. My kids - all 3 of them - quarrel and fight all the time. Allegiances form and reform on a regular basis.)

Stopping for now. Hoping to write more regularly.