Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 17 Updates


It's been 3 months since I last visited this place.

It's 7.30am in the morning. The Boy is still asleep. Yay!

So I'm here.

1. My heart issues - feels okay now. Alhamdulillah.

2. We had our first raya in the new house. As everything was still new, there's not much massive cleaning to do. And as long as I move towards minimalism, there will not be much of a headache every festive season.

3. We actually had an open house/housewarming. We have never had one. Not for the previous house, no parties on children's birthdays, just no.

We kept the guest list small-ish. Close relatives and friends who have not been to our house. But we didn't call it housewarming lest people come bearing gifts. (How to be minimalist when you have 3 tea sets?) So, just a random raya open house.

Alhamdulillah, everything went well. Catered food, of course. If I were to cook, everybody will get a plate of scrambled eggs. Or perhaps, everyone will have to make their own.

Things which could be improved - if we ever decide to do this again:
1. Spread out the location of the fruit and kuih2 raya.
2. Import more stools and chairs from my sister & parents' place. Hur hur.

The weather was also good. It wasn't raining and it wasn't too hot so some guests could enjoy the balcony.

Really bersyukur.

4. Good weather was important because.. just 2 days earlier, the ceiling leaked!

Horrors! There was a heavy thunderstorm. Suddenly Farah slipped on the way to her room. There was a strange puddle of water below a beam. Turns out, it was a leaky ceiling. Called the Town Council (residents of topmost floor - leaky ceiling, call Town Council, not HDB) and they sent someone to check immediately. The man said that the roof recently had reroofing works done which came with a 10-year warranty. He'd get the contractor to do the necessary checks. Just yesterday, I saw people climbing the ladder leading to the roof. Hopefully, no more leaks!

Boy is awake. Goodbye!