Thursday, January 21, 2016

21 January 2016

So Ihsan is now 17 months old. If I were to stop breastfeeding at 24 months, I am left with only 7 months in this breastfeeding journey. Oh nooooooo! This will be my last ever breastfeeding journey! Boo hoo hoo! I shall enjoy it and not complain about the lack of sleep or how frequently he wakes up at night. (If I ever tell you that he sleeps through the night, I define night as between 2am and 5am.)

17 months and a couple of days. What can Ihsan do?

He can climb. A lot. I don't remember the girls climbing our dining and computer tables. I don't remember having to push all chairs against the wall to prevent the girls from climbing the tables. This boy requires constant supervision.

Consequently, the simple meals that I cook have become even simpler. I really cannot afford to be in front of the stove and watch over the onions that I have to tumis sampai naik bau. So, baked stuff are convenient. And I start cooking really early. Vegetables are actually the most cumbersome dishes because the prep work takes some time. So, I start preparing the vegetables immediately after I'm done with his breakfast. On a normal day, by 9am, the vegetables for lunch and dinner will be ready. (If you want to tell me about nutrient lost because of the early preparation and et cetera, it's okay. At worst, we get the fibre from the vege.)

The Boy. He still hates eating and I don't know how to get him to swallow the food. I normally manage to make him eat the first 3 (tiny) spoonfuls of his lunch/dinner. But trouble often starts from the 4th spoonful. He will start spitting out the food the moment the food enters his mouth. It is infuriating! To avoid wastage, I scoop back whatever he spits out and shove it back in his mouth. We have to do a few rounds of this before the food disappears (most of the time it's because there's too much stuck to his clothes to be scooped up).

He is underweight. Way below the 3rd percentile. 8kg for a 17 month old baby. Sigh. On one hand, I am not *that* worried (unlike during the era of my firstborn) but on the other hand, I am somewhat concerned that he may not have enough nutrition. I have tried out so many recipes. Last year, my 12yo nephew whom I tutored often helped to finish his porridge especially if it's cod porridge. Sigh.

Developmentally, there is nothing alarming. Other than his less-than-steady walk, everything seems to be on track. Alhamdulillah for that. He is getting very cheeky these days and can follow commands. Ask him to make muka kiyut and he will cup his cheeks with his hands. He can point to his body parts except dagu and dahi. He can call out to his immediate family members and his favourite cousin. One day, the favourite cousin was at the door. He ran to the door and called out, "Ämiya! Amiya! Amiya!" Cousin's name is Nabilah.

He only salam people when he wants to. And when he wants to, he will salam you repeatedly. Likewise for kisses. He hates to see me sleeping. Everyone else can sleep but if I dare close my eyes when he's wide awake, he will immediately resuscitate me with a few smacks on my eyes. He likes to pretend to read. This is an influence of his sisters. He opens up a book and pretends to read by pointing at the words. He likes being read Llama Llama Red Pajama and any books that feature Elmo, pronounced Eh Mmmm. He also likes to tear pages off books. (let's pause for a minute and mourn the books that were sent to The Book Hospital)

He likes playing ball games - catching and kicking. He perspires a lot and needs the fan all the time. Thank God we don't have airconditioning at home; otherwise, our utilities bill would be astronomical. He has developed a penchant for magnets, stuffing them into his mouth whenever he managed to pry one off the fridge. (yes, they are placed higher but with this boy, short of putting the magnets on the ceiling, there's no place high enough) Sadly, he has outgrown his thing for durians. Was hoping to fatten him up on a regular dose of durians once they are in season.

Okie dokie. I must stop now. The Boy is sleeping and I have to do a couple of things online before he wakes up. I have about 30 minutes or so left before his nap time is over. Til next time, goodbye!

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

6 January 2016

1. Farah started primary school life just two days ago. So far, no issues and we hope that it remains that way!
2. I am glad that we did not go into a buying frenzy prior to her starting school. We have a lot of things lying around the house. So she used things that we already have instead of buying brand new stuff. Other than her socks and schoolbooks, everything else has been used by others before her. I hope the kids will always be as practical as this.
3. This reminded me of an exchange I had with Huda sometime last year. There was a sale of stuff by a Science vendor in her school. I am Mother Scrooge and I am always fearful of accidentally raising spendthrifts so I discouraged her from buying anything from there because it is either not practical or Amazon sells it cheaper. She eventually settled on something that costs 50 cents and she bought two of them. On the way home, she talked about what she bought and demonstrated it. She wasn't too happy with how simplistic the toy was and commented, Ï wasted my 50 cents on this."
Music to my ears. She could come up with the conclusion that it was a waste of money.
4. Let's go back to Farah and her first day of school stories. I didn't accompany Huda to school on her very first day because I also had my own first day of school. So, this was my first experience in being one of those anxious parents. Only thing is, I wasn't anxious. Farah could hold her own. Stories that Huda had shared prepared her for school. I was a little bit worried that she would eat too slowly during recess but she managed to finish her food in about 10 minutes. At home, she often takes so long because she is the chattiest and has so many stories to tell.
5. Farah was assigned a P4 buddy. During the P1 Orientation in November, Huda was shocked to find out that P1 buddies would come from P4 instead of P2. She prayed hard to be assigned anyone except her own sister. Both of them were pretty sure they would be hauled to the office if they were buddies. They painted a lot of scenarios of possible fights that could take place. Thankfully, they were not partnered together.
6. This afternoon, when I fetched them from school, Farah excitedly shared the news that she was appointed group leader for the month of January. Hooray for her!
7. Ihsan is now 17 months old! He is feeling very lonely when his sisters are in school. He becomes extremely clingy and does not allow me to leave him for even a moment. Just this morning, while I was answering nature's call in the toilet, he banged at the door and wailed at the top of his lungs. He banged te door so hard that part of the lock flew out. Thankfully, it could be fixed.
8. He is at a rather mischievous state now. All he wants to do are things he should not do. Like, climb the computer table and fling things about. The house now looks like we are preparing for a kenduri. All the chairs which used to surround the dining table are pushed against the wall, far , far away from the table.
9. While he is walking, he is not too steady on his feet. He still looks like a drunkard when he walks - swaying this way and that and eventually stumbling.
10. Eating is a nightmare. A complete, absolute nightmare. But that will be contined later because he's awake now.