Sunday, June 21, 2015

A Short Summary

Here are some updates of our lives. Some might turn into longer blog posts. Some will remain here as one-liners.

1. Alhamdulillah. Ihsan's aneurysm has been reduced to a dilated artery while his dilated artery has turned normal. I cannot thank Allah enough for His Mercy.

2. We went to Coventry, London, Paris, Switzerland and back to London. Coventry, London and Switzerland are awesome.

3. Came back 2 days before Ramadan and Ihsan is letting me stay wide awake between 11pm to 2am. Baby jet lag is horrible.

4. Huda has gastric. An extension of her severe motion sickness that she gets during any travels. Includes car rides.

5. I must upload many many pictures of Ihsan here.