Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I want to sleep, Farah!

I am so sleep-deprived.

For a few months, this Farah slept through the night.

Then, she decided that it was fun waking up at 3am.

Now, she has made the decision to wake up at 10pm, 12mn, 1am, 3am, 4am and 5am.

If I ignore her, she will start wailing. And then, Huda will wake up whining, "Mak, Farah bising." Mak, Farah is noisy. If I choose to ignore Farah, Huda will start sobbing, "Mak, Farah nangis. Dia nak susu." Farah is crying. She wants milk.

But, no, she doesn't want milk. Because, when I pick her up and cuddle her and rock her gently, she goes back to sleep.

Two nights ago, I was terribly exhausted and wanted to just ignore her crying. She managed to stay awake from midnight to 4am, alternating between little sobs to full-blast wails. It ended at 4am only because TheHusband couldn't take it anymore and so he rocked her gently to sleep.

In the daytime, she refuses to nap on her own. She will breastfeed to sleep and will remain asleep as long as she's in my arms. The moment I put her down, it's as if I put her down on a bed of nails.

I am exhausted. Should I go to the zoo and beg the zookeepers for a tranqulizer dart?


Update: 26 February 2010 - She had a very stubborn fever last night. Temperature shot up to 40.1 degrees despite the 4-hourly Panadol. This morning, when she cried, I peered into her mouth when she cried and saw many, many ulcers on the roof of her mouth and at the back of her throat. Doctor confirmed that it's HFMD. This justifies her waking up twice every hour last night.